How to Organize Your Crochet Yarn & Supplies: The Ultimate Guide

Do you have trouble finding the right crochet hook or yarn when you need it? Are your supplies scattered all over your crafting space? Having your crochet yarn, supplies, and tools well-organized is the first step in making your hobby more fun and enjoyable. In this post, we’ll cover how to organize your crochet yarn and supplies.

To best organize your crochet yarn and supplies, first clean out your stash and start fresh with your organizational efforts. Choose the right type of storage for your supplies and store them appropriately in a cool, dry place. Label your storage and keep things organized by tracking your crochet projects and what they require in a notebook or spreadsheet. Finally, keep everything in a designated spot.

Now, let’s take a look at the best ways to get your crochet supplies organized so you can move on to that next project. It doesn’t take much effort to create a well-organized and easy-to-navigate crafting space.

How to Organize Your Crochet Supplies

Clean Out & Start Fresh

Before attempting to organize your steadily growing stash of crochet supplies, it is a good idea to clean out the things you don’t need or use first. There is no reason for extra items to take up your precious storage space that you are never actually going to use.

Don’t throw your supplies away! Donate any of your supplies that you are planning to get rid of. It is both better for the environment and will make someone else’s day who might be interested in learning to crochet. For any bits and pieces of yarn that are not substantial enough to donate, reuse and recycle them.

Check out my article How to Crochet More Sustainably for more information on where to donate old crochet projects and how to reuse and repurpose your scrap yarn.

Choose the Right Storage

When it comes to storing your crochet yarn, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. Specifically, the type of yarn that you have will determine how best to store it. If you have a lot of delicate, hand-dyed yarn, you’ll want to make sure it’s stored in a way that prevents tangling and damage.

Another thing to consider is the amount of space you have. If you have a small apartment, you might not have room for a large chest or bin. In that case, plastic totes or containers with lids might be a better option.

Finally, think about how often you use your yarn. If you only crochet occasionally, you might not need to keep all your yarn readily accessible. In that case, storing it in a bin in the closet might be fine.

Be sure your yarn is stored safely and securely so it will be ready when you need it.

Store Crochet Yarn in a Cool, Dry Place

Crochet yarn is a delicate material that needs to be stored carefully in order to stay in good condition. The best place to store crochet yarn is in a cool, dry place. Humidity and heat can cause the yarn to become brittle and faded. Sunlight can also damage the yarn, causing it to become discolored.

I personally find it helpful to keep my finished crochet projects in their own storage bin for safekeeping. I can take them out when I need to and they will otherwise stay in great condition.

Label Your Storage Containers

As any crafter knows, organization is key to a successful project. One way to stay organized is to label your storage containers appropriately.

Try labeling each yarn storage container with the type of yarn or colors inside. That way, you can easily find the yarn you need without having to search through all of your supplies.

This method is especially helpful if you have a lot of different types of yarn or if you frequently use multiple colors in a single project. This way, you can save yourself time and frustration, and you can be sure that you always have the right yarn for the job.

Keep Track of Your Crochet Projects By Recording Them in a Notebook or Online Spreadsheet

With so many different yarns, patterns, and projects, it can be easy to lose track of what you have and what you need. One way to stay on top of your crochet hobby is to keep a notebook or online spreadsheet of your projects and what they require.

Include the pattern name, the yarn used, the date started, and any other relevant information. This will not only help you keep track of your progress, but it will also allow you to quickly find the information you need when starting a new project.

Recording your projects can help you to see your progress over time and identify any areas that may need improvement. So whether you prefer a physical notebook or an online tracker, keeping tabs on your crochet projects is a surefire way to both stay organized and improve your skills.

Organize Crochet hooks, Scissors, and Other Crochet Supplies in a Designated Spot

Designate a specific spot for your crochet hooks, scissors, and other crafting supplies. This could be a box, a drawer, or even a simple basket. The important thing is that everything has its own place and can be easily returned there without having to think too much. This will prevent your supply store from becoming messy as you work on new projects and finish old ones.

When you’re finished using a particular item, make sure to put it back in its designated spot. This way, you’ll always know where to find it when you need it again. By taking the time to organize your supplies, you’ll be able to craft more easily and enjoy the process more fully.


In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to consider sustainability in every aspect of our lives, including our crafting hobbies. By making simple changes to the way we approach crochet projects, such as choosing eco-friendly yarns and reusing or repurposing scraps, we can reduce waste and help protect the environment. Plus, incorporating sustainable practices into our crafting can be a fun and rewarding way to express our creativity while also making a positive impact on the world around us.